Is attic converted and is it possible to get the square footage of the house or eir code
@bertomburnett. ( 🔥 Quotes accepted: 11. Replies: 202 . Qualifications:
Qualified Engineer and Registered BER Assessor)
 Attic is not converted. post code is D15A6YF
(Staff account) @staff.4u ( 🚀 Quotes accepted: 2. Replies: 388 . Reviews: Contact us if you have any queries . Qualifications:
Customer Support)
Quote #3: 315 BER and advisory report included. The price includes VAT and filling in the grant form. There will be an extra charge if the house has a heat pump.
@bertomburnett. ( 🔥 Quotes accepted: 11. Replies: 202 . Qualifications:
Qualified Engineer and Registered BER Assessor)
we just got our attic insulated and need to get a BER now so we can claim our EUR 1500 back from SEAI. 5 Bedroom detached house (1 of these bedrooms is part of an extension). We got some new windows a couple of years ago too, which may affect the energy rating. We have a detached garage behind the house which is not being assessed. Let me know what other details are required and what paperwork I might need for you. I have the grant form from SEAI completed by the company who insulated the attic. Thanks. No rush on the assessment.
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