Quote #1: 527 Our fee for this is €502.25 and inclusive of VAT, travel and certificate fee by the SEAI.
@rlynch.morearchitecture ( Replies: 51 . Reviews: 5/5 of 21 Google . Qualifications:
Registered Architect, PSDP, Conservation Accredited, Architect Technologist)
 can you provide an eircode please?
(Staff account) @staff.4u ( 🚀 Quotes accepted: 2. Replies: 388 . Reviews: Contact us if you have any queries . Qualifications:
Customer Support)
BER Cert Need a new BER Cert for house built in 2012/2013. Existing BER cert is B1. 4 bedrooms. Installed Solar PV system - hence need an updated cert.
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