Quote #2: 315 We could get this done for €300.
@.horizon-group ( 🚀 Quotes accepted: 1. Replies: 2 . Reviews: 5/5 of 22 fb reviews. . Qualifications:
SEAI Registered BER Assessor. Chartered building engineers. RICS.)
Quote #3: 323 I can do the assessment for €250 plus the VAT,
@markconnor1998. ( 🚀 Quotes accepted: 1. Replies: 1 . Qualifications:
SEAI Registered BER Assessor)
BER Cert I have been quoted €500.00 to assess my 4 bedroom detached storey and a half home in Monaghan.
Are you able to better this price. It is a new build.
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