Quote #1: 1638 Hi, The cost for the BER certificate would be € 1,560 ex VAT @ € 23%. Kind Regards,
@.ber4less ( Replies: 2 . Qualifications:
Registered SEAI Commercial & Domestic BER Assessor)
Are there floor plans. Would reduce fee
@conal.energyassure ( Replies: 6 . Qualifications:
10+ yrs xp. SEAI BER Commercial Domestic , Thermal Imaging, Tech Assessor. DIT Masters Energy Management)
Do you have floor plans. Would reduce price
@conal.energyassure ( Replies: 6 . Qualifications:
10+ yrs xp. SEAI BER Commercial Domestic , Thermal Imaging, Tech Assessor. DIT Masters Energy Management)
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