have you an eircode or general location? house type, semi d, detached, etc?
(Staff account) @staff.4u ( 🚀 Quotes accepted: 2. Replies: 388 . Reviews: Contact us if you have any queries . Qualifications:
Customer Support)
Quote #2: 263 To produce a B.E.R. Certificate for the above property I can quote in the price range of €250 to €300. This fee is inclusive of all expenses including the €30 publication fee. This would be completed within 4 working days. The survey itself takes 2 hours approximately. To give a more accurate quotation I would have to see the property on Google maps. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
@justenergyratings. ( Replies: 1 . Qualifications:
Domestic SEAI BER Assessor, Energy Audits)
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