Quote #1: 441 Hi there. 220x2. 440 for both. Can carry out survey Thursday April 6th with Cert by Friday 7th. Thanks
@kieltyaustin. ( 📈 Quotes accepted: 6. Replies: 44 . Qualifications:
MIEI, Registered SEAI BER Assessor)
Quote #2: 489 total 60 seai fees, 30 x 2, then 330 for 2. VAT is 0% on SEAI fee of €60 (2 BER's x €30) and 23% on the rest 330, total quote 465.9
@raynolan_197. ( Replies: 3 . Qualifications:
BE MIEI, SEAI BER Assessor & registered technical advisor better energy homes)
BER Cert 1 bedroom apartment.
Around 60 sq meters.
Living area downstairs.
Bedroom upstairs
I have 2 1 bedroom apartment side by side for a ber cert please
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