Pricing depends on what kind of sliding door your looking for, lift and slide, 4 panel etc and lead time will depend on what material your hoping to go for.
@ellie-fairco.4u ( 🚀 Quotes accepted: 1. Replies: 2 . Qualifications:
Windows & Doors installers, 30+ yrs xp, )
Quote #2: 6300 If it’s a not a lift a slide you would need to go for a 4 panel slider in PVC as the biggest you can do a 2 pane slider is 2.8m. Pricing for a 4 panel sliding door in white PVC would be roughly €6,000. If your hoping to do it in a colour you would be looking at an extra 15-20%.
@ellie-fairco.4u ( 🚀 Quotes accepted: 1. Replies: 2 . Qualifications:
Windows & Doors installers, 30+ yrs xp, )
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