I am happy to quote an all in fee (inclusive of VAT and SEAI charge)of 280 euro to carry out a BER assessment of your dwelling by a Chartered Engineer.
Based on the goggle earth image of the property its a large Dromer style property. our price would be as follows BER Survey fee 341.46 Vat @ 23% 78.54 SEAI Certificate registration fee 30.00
Additional fees may apply if Heat Pump Technologies are present.
Reviews: 86% of 5 google reviews. 100% of 4 facebook reviews. Qualifications:
10 + yrs xp, Domestic & Commercial BER Assessor, Heat Pump Technical Assessments for the grants and also Home Energy Assessments. NZEB, Pre ber.
BER Cert I’m looking for a price for a post attic insulation BER cert for my 4 bed detached house in Rathfarnham. Could you please provide a quote for this?
Details below:
Address; Hayfield, Newtown lane, Mt Venus Rd. D16FF89
Approx area: 2000 sq ft
Year of construction: 1995.
A commission fee is already included in each quote. We offer a full refund money
back guarantee. If you are not happy with our service or if you decide not to
proceed with a quote - We'll happily refund our fee as a thank you for giving us a