Quote #1: 788 Our fee for a BER Assessment of this house is €750 (including VAT & the SEAI Registration Fee).
@nicholas.necber ( 🔥 Quotes accepted: 10. Replies: 239 . Reviews: 4.5/5 of 5 Google reviews. . Qualifications:
B.Sc.(Hons.) Bldg. Surv. Commercial & Domestic BER. Air tightness testing & Part L compliance.)
 We can do it on Monday the 18th at 11:00am
@.samerock ( 🏅 Quotes accepted: 55. Replies: 459 . Reviews: 38 Reviews on Google - all 5 Stars . Qualifications:
4 Employed Registered SEAI BER Assessors, Domestic & Commercial
Heat Pump Technical Assessments
Part-L Compliance Reports
New Builds and Existing Dwellings)
We are completing work at this address the following week and we'll need the post BER survey done on the 25th and publish latest on Friday 29th. Please let me know if this suits. Many thanks. Joe.
@joe.govindoorajoo.integratehomeenergy ( Replies: 2 )
 Unfortunately the assessor is available on the 18th and 19th of September and then he is on leave until the 28th.
@.samerock ( 🏅 Quotes accepted: 55. Replies: 459 . Reviews: 38 Reviews on Google - all 5 Stars . Qualifications:
4 Employed Registered SEAI BER Assessors, Domestic & Commercial
Heat Pump Technical Assessments
Part-L Compliance Reports
New Builds and Existing Dwellings)
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