Please send the eircode of the house. Also was the house extended?
@nicholas.necber ( 🔥 Quotes accepted: 10. Replies: 239 . Reviews: 4.5/5 of 5 Google reviews. . Qualifications:
B.Sc.(Hons.) Bldg. Surv. Commercial & Domestic BER. Air tightness testing & Part L compliance.)
Quote #3: 289 Quote inclusive of tax and registration. Surveys conducted at 10am. If you accept quote please specify available dates for Survey. Regards.
@dalym51. ( 📈 Quotes accepted: 5. Replies: 59 . Qualifications:
Registered local BER Assessor, Bsc(Eng), Msc(Eng).)
Quote #4: 284 Our fee for a BER Assessment of this house is €270 (including VAT & the SEAI Registration Fee).
@nicholas.necber ( 🔥 Quotes accepted: 10. Replies: 239 . Reviews: 4.5/5 of 5 Google reviews. . Qualifications:
B.Sc.(Hons.) Bldg. Surv. Commercial & Domestic BER. Air tightness testing & Part L compliance.)
Thank you for accepting my Quote, can you specify what morning you are available for the BER survey? Fri 22nd, Mon 25th or Wednesday 27th. Regards.
@dalym51. ( 📈 Quotes accepted: 5. Replies: 59 . Qualifications:
Registered local BER Assessor, Bsc(Eng), Msc(Eng).)
Friday 22nd suits best for me. Our eircode is D14AE93. Address is 5 Fairbrook Lawn, Rathfarnham. Be careful if using Eircode on google maps, it may bring you to the rear of the house in Boden Wood from which it is not accessible. Just let me know your name and what time you expect to be here at.
@wayfarerswicklow. ( Replies: 1 )
BER Cert Green Mortgage - BER Cert Required - House is in D14, Rathfarnham.
House just went through a major renovation. Original BER was very low - an F rating if I recall correctly. 5 bed incl. Attic. Approx 2,400 sq feet in total. Internally insulated. New Gas Boiler, completely rewired and replumbed. Standard Radiator heating system. Underfloor insulation.
Requestor has good knowledge of works carried out as he was involved in project management.
A commission fee is already included in each quote. We offer a full refund money
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