Quote #2: 578From your description of your requirements a simple BER Calculation and the standard advisory report will not get into much detail on what you require to reach B3. The is quite a Gap from C3 to B3. We can do a full Energy Assessment and survey survey of the building elements to set out exactly what would be required to reach the Green Mortgage Requirements in a detailed Report.
Our price for a full Home Energy Assessment would be 550.00 inclusive of VAT.
If you would like to talk further with no obligation to proceed I can speak with you directly and to explain everything. A standard BER is not what you are looking for. Our assessment would give you an idea of the cost of the works needed and we can arrange for reputable contractors to provide quotes based on our survey which would enable you to make an informed decision.
@.mecltd ( 🚀 Quotes accepted: 3. Replies: 59 . Reviews: 86% of 5 google reviews. 100% of 4 facebook reviews. . Qualifications:
10 + yrs xp, Domestic & Commercial BER Assessor, Heat Pump Technical Assessments for the grants and also Home Energy Assessments. NZEB, Pre ber.)