Can you please send the eircode/size of the property?
@.samerock ( 🏅 Quotes accepted: 55. Replies: 459 . Reviews: 38 Reviews on Google - all 5 Stars . Qualifications:
4 Employed Registered SEAI BER Assessors, Domestic & Commercial
Heat Pump Technical Assessments
Part-L Compliance Reports
New Builds and Existing Dwellings)
 how many bedrooms? no. rooms? property type? size of house? or alternatively eircode or estate to get accurate quotes, tx
(Staff account) @staff.4u ( 🚀 Quotes accepted: 2. Replies: 388 . Reviews: Contact us if you have any queries . Qualifications:
Customer Support)
 Quote #3: 273 The price includes all fees and its applicable for a maximum of 3bedrooms (150sqm).
@tanasegmihai. ( 📈 Quotes accepted: 5. Replies: 116 . Qualifications:
Experienced SEAI BER Assessor for both commercial and domestic properties, with over 15 years of expertise. specializing in IESVE and energy modeling. proficient in Heat Pump Grants, retrofit consulting, and an expert in building services and structural engineering.)
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