Can you please send me the eircode of the property?
@.samerock ( 🏅 Quotes accepted: 55. Replies: 459 . Reviews: 38 Reviews on Google - all 5 Stars . Qualifications:
4 Employed Registered SEAI BER Assessors, Domestic & Commercial
Heat Pump Technical Assessments
Part-L Compliance Reports
New Builds and Existing Dwellings)
Quote #2: 231 Available mornings, Monday to Friday. Quote inclusive of all tax and registration fees.
@dalym51. ( 📈 Quotes accepted: 5. Replies: 59 . Qualifications:
Registered local BER Assessor, Bsc(Eng), Msc(Eng).)
I am having external insulation work carried out on my home in the next couple of weeks and I would like to get an idea on how soon after the work is completed I can have a professional come out and give a new BER rating on the home as it will be needed ot obtain the SEAI home improvment grant.
I have put in mid march for the date but I belive the work could be finished before this.
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