Quote #2: 42006 x 3 bed = 300 euro each (incl VAT/ SEAI Fees) = 1,800 euro
8 x 2 Bed = 275 euro each (incl VAT / SEAI Fees) = 2,200 euro
Total 4000 euro (incl VAT/ SEAI Fees).
AutoCAD floorplans required for all apartments. Architect to sign off on all building elements. Contractor to provide all necessary documents for heating, ventilation, windows/ doors etc. Access required to all apartments the same day. Payment required prior to issuing BER Certs.
I also carry out sound testing for Part E TGD 2014. I can reduce fees for BER's if sound tests can be included.
Thanks in advance.
@micheal.atechenergy ( Replies: 2 . Qualifications:
BER Certs, part l, thermal imaging,audits, heat pumps, sound tests)